Sunday, June 17, 2007

Can I share something with you?

During one of the days I was attending a previous industry conference there was a session that was just about to start. For some reason I can’t explain I decided to sit in on it. Towards the middle of the session we were going around the room discussing how we got started. As we came to this one woman, she started to tell us about her sick dad that had been in the hospital. As she was visiting one day she came across the June 2006 issue of Parents magazine, the same one I was featured in.

All of a sudden she broke down and started to cry. She definitely had the attention of the room, especially mine. She said that after reading my article that she was inspired by my story to get out and start her own business and I was the specific reason that she had decided to attend that conference.

As I had a whole room of people staring at me, including the speaker, I could not find any words to say. I was touched by the fact that I was able to change someone’s life in that way. I also found out at the same conference that there were others who had shown up because of me and what I had said in that magazine article.

I have to admit that it was a little bit embarrassing having all of that attention thrown on me, but on the other hand I was happy that I was able to help someone out. This has been my whole purpose in traveling around the country with ECSU™. Although I enjoy getting out there and running errands for my clients, my passion is sharing what I have learned over the years with others.

What better way to share with others than to give of yourself. I give you my hints, tips, advice, good, bad, and ugly experiences, and everything else I can during my time I share with you at the ECSU™ Concierge Boot Camp and Michelle and Danette have amazing information of their own to share. I have to admit that I enjoy sitting in on their sessions, even though I am a trainer, because I always learn something new from them.

Can I share something else with you? Our price of $700 for 4 days is so low, that I have other trainers and consultants in different industries that I talk with tell me that I am practically giving my information away for free. It's true, but I don't care. I enjoy getting out there and meeting you and hearing your stories. So share this with someone you know and reserve YOUR seat NOW!

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